
Thursday 7 July 2011

Android and Acer

I owned everything from the SymbianOS from Nokia, to the Blackberry OS, to iOS from Apple and finally went to Android, and I am never going back MUHAHAHAHA.

So about Android OS and why is it better than the famous Apple OS. Well lets make a couple pointers.
  • Android can run multiple apps. ( Well so can Apple but with apple its only a couple of their apps you can run in the background. With Android any and all apps can be run at the same time.)
    You don't need to open anything

  • Android has Widgets ( Basicly you don't have to open an app to see something, it is all on your home screen
  • Android has a better App market.  ( Yes Apple has more apps, but Android has about 10,000 apps bet week added, and a lot of the apps are free )
Just a few devices with Android
  • Android lets you choose your hardware!!!  ( This is the main peace. Almost every single brand has over 10 devices to choose from that carry the Android OS)
  • Android fits your budget!!! Phones ranging from $100 to $1000 have Android. From block phones, to touchscreens, to flip phones and to touch screens with hard keyboards.

So I ask this question. Why pick Apple and the iPhone, or iPad, or etc?

Apple is just a fad, a fashion and a hype. It will go out of style. It's like walking down the street with 4 of your friends and 4 of them are dressed identically. NOT COOL!